Mickey Yang heeft mij gevraagd om een introductie te geven op haar werk voor haar solo-expositie bij Heden, kunst van nu in Den Haag.
Speechen voor Mickey Yang
Mickey Yang heeft mij gevraagd om een introductie te geven op haar werk voor haar solo-expositie bij Heden, kunst van nu in Den Haag.

Voor de gemeente Rotterdam en de Rotterdamse Raad voor Kunst en Cultuur (RRKC) onderzocht de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) het culturele diversiteitsgehalte van culturele organisaties in de stad.
Hoe cultureel divers is Rotterdam?
Voor de gemeente Rotterdam en de Rotterdamse Raad voor Kunst en Cultuur (RRKC) onderzocht de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) het culturele diversiteitsgehalte van culturele organisaties in de stad.

A sociological investigation of creativity in the workplace stemming from the idea that today everybody needs to be creative and live a creative life.
Between the white cube and the grey cubicle: The worker as artist?
A sociological investigation of creativity in the workplace stemming from the idea that today everybody needs to be creative and live a creative life.
In light of some unsolicited advice, I rewrote the Erasmus University's Teaching and Exam Regulations to diminish hierarchical structures and competition-driven education and replace it with a progressive and holistic form of learning.
Het nieuwe Erasmus
In light of some unsolicited advice, I rewrote the Erasmus University's Teaching and Exam Regulations to diminish hierarchical structures and competition-driven education and replace it with a progressive and holistic form of learning.

A follow-up on my previous plea for more bureaucracy in the practice of Witte de With’s Class of ’16.
Class of ‘16: Reflexive awareness
A follow-up on my previous plea for more bureaucracy in the practice of Witte de With’s Class of ’16.

Another Bachelor thesis, about how presentation spaces in the Netherlands include more and more in their programs in the hopes of attracting new and continuously changing audiences.
Institutional omnivores: More is more, more or less
Another Bachelor thesis, about how presentation spaces in the Netherlands include more and more in their programs in the hopes of attracting new and continuously changing audiences.

An analysis of the organizational structure and company culture of the non-profit organization Krimpen Presents.
Over sociale cohesie
An analysis of the organizational structure and company culture of the non-profit organization Krimpen Presents.

What default modes of engagement do we adopt when entering white cube spaces such as Witte de With?
Class of ‘16: Orchestrating engagement
What default modes of engagement do we adopt when entering white cube spaces such as Witte de With?

A compressed, fragmentary image of the organizational functioning of a tiny bit of the art world.
Class of ‘16: Mode of management
A compressed, fragmentary image of the organizational functioning of a tiny bit of the art world.

A report on the social interactions of the academic year 2014/2015 at autonoom 4, Fine Arts, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague.
Teambuilding: De sociale cohesie van autonoom 4 2014/2015
A report on the social interactions of the academic year 2014/2015 at autonoom 4, Fine Arts, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague.

Custom made goodie bags with personalized content reviewing the performance of each teacher of the academic year 2013/2014 at autonoom 3, Fine Arts, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague.
Goodie bags
Custom made goodie bags with personalized content reviewing the performance of each teacher of the academic year 2013/2014 at autonoom 3, Fine Arts, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague.